Monday, November 4, 2013


I was encouraged to set up a blog by two wonderful stitching friends, Pam and Teresa, whom I met at the Pals Cross Stitch Convention last October in Myrtle Beach, SC.  As they told me, the hardest part was picking out a name for the blog, so after some thought and a bit of plagiarizing and combining of ideas, I came up with "Random Ramblings of a Mad Stitcher".  And it's mad as in crazy, not mad as in angry.  :-)

I'm a long time stitcher having started out in the world of needlepoint in the 1970's.  I picked up cross stitch in the 1980's and gradually added a few more techniques like hardanger, drawn thread, and pulled thread over the years.  Recently I've added knitting and crocheting to my repertoire but my first love is still needlework.  I'm kind of self taught; Mom started me out with embroidery and I then I picked up needlepoint by myself.

I'm a pretty slow stitcher and have few finishes, if any, in a year.  I'm proud to say that I did complete a project at Pals:

This is Weatherwise by Prairie Schooler.  32 ct. lambswool linen, DMC floss.  Of course I started up new project - there's nothing like the rush I get from mounting a new project on a frame.  I stitch on a brand of frames called "Rolaframe".  I fell in love with these frames about 20 years ago when I actually had an LNS.  The only place I can find them now is at Down Sunshine Lane, an internet shop. 

This Saturday I'm looking forward to spending time browsing in a bricks and mortar shop in Las Vegas - Stitcher's Paradise.  I was there last year and that shop was amazing!  I'll be sure to post some pics from there.

Happy stitching!


  1. YEAH! your up and running or sttching

  2. Love your blog name!! Found you through Pam and look forward to getting to know you and to see your needlework!

  3. Welcome Anne!! I found you through Pam too! Love the Stitching finish!! I'm April In Alabama!!

  4. Hi Anne.... welcome to blogland! I was lucky enough to meet at Pals too and am glad you will be sharing some of stitching! Have great time stashing.... you can never have too much.

    happy stitching....
